Meri Meri Honeycomb Christmas Characters
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In stock: 3 available
Product Details
UPC: 636997278025
Make your home look so charming with our tissue paper honeycomb 3D characters, with eye-catching glitter, gold foil and pompom embellishments. They are perfect to place on the Christmas table, or anywhere you want to create a fabulous display for the holidays.
- The set includes 4 honeycomb Christmas trees, 4 reindeer, 1 Santa and 1 snowman
- The snowman has a red gingham ribbon scarf and red pompom, to easily attach to the hat
- Reindeers have chunky platinum gold glitter on their antlers, and eye stickers
- Trees have chunky platinum gold glitters on their stars
- Santa has a printed sticker belt and eyes
- The set includes 24 gold tone paper clips to hold the characters open
- Made using Plant-based glitter (>95% cellulose)
- Simple self assembly required
- Packaging made using FSC mix paper
- Pack of 10 in 4 designs
- Pack dimensions: 9.5 x 5.5 x 1 inches
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Meri Meri Honeycomb Christmas Characters
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